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30 years ago and today

30 years ago and today

Haladas football team won Nehru national football Cup in Cochin (South India) in 1983. The 30-year anniversary of the big success was in this weekend. The members of this team were Ferenc Kiraly (father of Kiraly Gabor), n Peter Hegedüs, who is the chief coach of Kiraly Gabor National Goalkeeper School. Match the 2 photo! One was taken in 1983, and the another is taken -30 years later- in this days.



Eller A (†), Vörös Cs, Papp I (†),Preszeller T, Szabó F, Hauzer T, Kulcsár F (†), Fitos J, Hegedüs P, 

alsó sor:Kiss Gy, Nagy J, Görög I, if. Szakra Z, Horváth I, Király F, Dobány L.




ifj.Szarka Z, Király F. Szabó F, Vörös Cs, Hegedüs P, Kiss Gy, Dobány L,

 Hauzer T, Sarlós L, Török P., Horváth I, Görög I.

Author: HN

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My name is Gabor Kiraly 

108 times Hungarian National goalkeeper, with 882 professional games behind me.
My experience I have from England and Germany. My dream in childhood is in fulfillment as I now announcing that my International Goalkeeper school starts, where I expect you very much.



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