-Kiraly is a key figure of our team, he knows what is the best for the Lions. He is an exemplary footballplayer.- said Florian Hinterberger the sportdirector of the 1860 München after the contract extension.
-I am a 37 years old sportman, but i can feel a lot of power, and big motivation to continue my carrer. I am so thankfull for the club because of trust.- told Kiraly Gabor who passed A lincence coach test on Monday in Budapest.
Kiraly Gabor restarted his National Goalkeeper School in Szombathely on march of 2013. The national goalkeper rekorder of Hungary has a coach team who can manage the daily matters of the school as long as he is in München.
Ich bin Gabor Kiraly.
108-facher ungarische Nationaltorwart, mit 882 Spiele hinter mir. Meine Erfahrungen habe ich aus England und Deutschland. Mein Traum in Kindheit geht in erfüllung indem ich jetzt ankündige dass meine Internationale Torwartschule beginnt, wo ich euch ganz herzlich erwarte.